SERIOUS CRIME SQUAD by alec larsen, retired
The Serious Crime Squad was formed in 1974 following the creation of the Merseyside Police in April 1974. The first officer in charge was Detective Chief Inspector Jack Bird, ex Liverpool & Bootle, and consisted of experienced C.I.D. Officers.
The squad was originally based at Walton Lane Police Station and in 1982 moved to Police Headquarters at Canning Place.
The main purpose was to have an experienced squad of officers who could establish and run a Major Incident Control Room and enquiries arising from Major Incidents, i.e. Murders, armed robberies rape etc. This was regardless of which division the major incident took place.
The Squad was supplemented by local divisional officers together with additional staff from other divisions as and when required. Throughout it’s existence, the squad was very successful in solving the major incidents it was involved in.
The availability of such a Squad became more important with the introduction of the HOLMES (Home Office Large Major Enquiry System) computer system for the investigation of all major incidents, and it offered a nucleus of very experienced officers who became expert users of the new technology.
HOLMES provides Police forces with the technological tools to deal with the vast amounts of information collated during investigations of the most serious offences.
Amongst the Major Incidents the Squad was involved in were the Toxteth Riots of 1981 when the Major Incident Room was based at Admiral Street Police Station.
The Serious Crime Squad was responsible for the investigation into the murder of toddler, James Bulger in 1993. At that time the ‘Squad’ was commanded by Detective Superintendent Albert Kirby.
Alec Larsen, Retired D/Ch.Supt., Serious Crime Squad.
Back Row – L-R: D/C’s Bramwell, Van Shaick, Asher, Callender, Eveleigh, Rafferty, Tanner, Bennett, Westwell
Centre Row – L-R: D/C’s Forshaw, Murray, D/Sgts. Robinson, Crawley, Gidman, D/C’s Liptrot, Rudd, D/S Jones (C), D/C’s Bolger, Lloyd, D/S Wardale
Front Row – L-R: D/S. Mannion, WDC Starkey, D/I’s Semple, Wright, DCI Coady, E.H. Miller (ACC Crime), D/Supt. Sergeant, D/Supt. Baxter, D/I Howarth, Mrs J. Walsh (Typist), D/Sgt. Pass

Back Row – L-R: D/S’s Clarke, Tulip, Wright, D/C’s Calder Coulthard, Higgs, Robinson, O’Connor
Centre Row – L-R: D/C’s Bramwell, Brunskill, Eveleigh, Wright, D/S Purcell, D/C’s Rudd, Atherton, Stephens, Tanner, D/S Kemble, D/C’s Forrest, Bowers, Wood, McMeakin
Front Row – L-R: D/I’s McAteer, Byrom, Birch, D/Supt. Carlisle, D/Ch.Supt. Aldred, D/Supt. Baxter, DCI Leyland, D/S’s Cahill, Robinson, Mrs. J. Glennon (Typist)

Back Row – L-R: D/C’s Bramwell, Coulthard, Higgs, O’Connor, Bowers, D/S Roberts, D/C’s Calder, Rudd, Yates, Wright, Bridge, D/S Wardale
Centre Row – L-R: D/S Dale, D/C Forrest, D/S Jones, D/C’s Kelly, Sawyer, D/S’s White, Kellett, D/C’s Gray, Larsen, Green, Garner, Eveleigh, Jacobs, Gaskell
Front Row – L-R: D/S’s Murphy*, Clague, WDC Gidman, WDC Hilton-Parry, D/I’s Murray, Durno, DCI Walker, D/Ch.Supt. Baxter, D/Supt. Wright, D/Supt. Kirby, D/I Byrom, Acting D/I Gilespie, WDC Paton, D/S Van-Shaick
D/Sgt. Jon Murphy is the current Chief Constable of Merseyside Police