Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1970 – 1979

11th March 1970
At a meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Underwriters Room Exchange Buildings on the 11th. day of March 1970 It was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to PC 313’A’ Anthony Rex Carswell Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary for having with others courageously rescued about thirty children from a fire in a derelict warehouse in St. Anne Street at Liverpool on 30th. September 1969.
27th May 1970
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck & Humane Society held at the Underwriters Room, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool on the 27th day of May 1970, IT WAS RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that the thanks of the Committee be presented to ROBERT WOOSEY, Pc. 73’C‘, Liverpool & Bootle Constabulary, for having, with the assistance of others, courageously rescued a man from a fire in a derelict house in Hatherley Street at Liverpool, on the 24th December 1969
The Society for the Protection of Life from Fire:
7th October 1970
This Certificate is Awarded to Police Sergeant Robert D. Callister in testimony of distinguished conduct while engaged in the rescue of life at a Fire on the 29th day of May 1970 at Flat 6(a), Stockbridge Lane, Huyton, near St. Helens, Lancashire
28th October 1970
At a meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Constable 143G Christopher John Roderick together with the Society’s Resuscitation Certificate for his promptitude and skill in successfully applying artificial respiration to a man overcome by coal gas poisoning after rescuing him from a gas filled kitchen in a flat in West derby Road, Liverpool on 20th April, 1970
10th Februay 1971
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Society’s Office Liverpool on the 10th day of February 1971 it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Detective Sergeant 43 C.I.D. Henry Valentine Bullen, Liverpool & Bootle Constabulary, for having, with the assistance of others, courageously rescued a woman from drowning in the River Mersey, at the Pier Head, Liverpool, on 9th October, 1970
12th May 1971
Presented to P.C 269’B’ Jeffrey Allan MORRISH, Liverpool & Bootle Costabulary, for having, with the assistance of others, courageously rescued a man and woman from a fire in a dwellling house in St Hilda Street, at Liverpool on the 6th January, 1971
21st June 1972
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, held on the 21st. day of June 1972 it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to P.C. 2304, Anthony Peter Statham, Cheshire Constabulary together with the Soiciety’s Resuscitation Certificate for his promptitued and skill in successfully applying artificial respiration to a man after having, with others, rescued him from drowning in the West Float, Rea’s Wharf, Birkenhead, on the 27th. October, 1971
11th May 1977
It was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Police Sergeant 3290 Frank Alan Bridge, Merseyside Police, together with the Society’s Bronze General Medal, for having with another, climbed over 200 feet in near freezing conditions up a tower crane at Liverpool to rescue a man intent on taking his own life, on 14th January 1977
19th September 1977
To: Police Sergeant 2447 David Frederick Birch, Merseyside Police .
“I am directed by my Committee to convey to you their appreciation and thanks for your meritorious conduct on the 25th June 1977, when, with the assistance of others, you rescued a man who was endeavouring to take his own life by causing an explosion in a gas filled house, and who would no doubt have succeeded but for your very prompt and praiseworthy action.”
24th October 1979
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Society’s Office Liverpool on the 24th day of October 1979 it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Police Inspector 3388 Ian MacDonald, Merseyside Police together with the Society’s Bronze General Medal for having, with others, courageously climbed over 150 ft up a crane on a building site in Liverpool and rescued a violent
man who continually threatened his safety on the 18th July 1979.