Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1960 – 1969

6th December 1961
At a meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, held on 6th day of December 1961 It was Resolved Unanimously
That the thanks of the Committee be presented to:
P.C 102T Harry Anthony Allen, Liverpool City Police, together with the Society’s RESUSCITATION CERTIFICATE
6th November 1963
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Underwriters Room, Exchane Buildings, Liverpool on the 6th day of November 1963 it was Resolved Unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to P.C. 128″C” Kenneth Latham, Liverpool City Police, together with the Society’s Bronze Marine Medal, for having, with others, courageously rescued a seaman from drowning in the Coburg Dock, at Liverpool, on the 15th. August 1963.
18th November 1964
At a meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Underwriter’s Room, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool, on the 18th day of November 1964 it was resolved unanimously that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to P.C. 236”T” David Heyes, Liverpool City Police, for having, with the assistance of others, courageously rescued an elderly woman and young child from asphyxiation at a dwelling house in Grove Street, Liverpool, when the premises were filled with a dense volume of sulphur gas, on the 1st. September 1964
23rd December 1964
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Underwriters Room, Exchane Buildings, Liverpool on the 23rd. day of December, 1964 it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committe be presented to P.C. 245″E”, Edward Stanley Ennis, Liverpool City Police, together with the Society’s Bronze Marine Medal for having, with others, courageously rescued a man from drowning in the Branch Dock No 3, Alexandra Dock, at Liverpool, on the 17th. October, 1964
28th July 1965
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held on the 28th day of July 1965 it was Resolved Unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to P.C. 194″E”, Bernard Pearson, Liverpool City Police, together with the Society’s RESUSCITATION CERTIFICATE for his promptitued and skill in successfully applying artificial respiration to a man taken from the Branch Dock No.3, Huskisson Dock, at Liverpool, on the 19th. June, 1965.
14th February 1968
At a Committee Meeting of the Liverpool Humane and Shipwreck Society held recently, it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Constable JOSEPH HELLIER, for having, with others rescued a girl from drowning in the River Mersey at Georges Landing Stage, Liverpool on 11th September 1967.
1st May 1968
At a Committee Meeting of the Liverpool Humane and Shipwreck Society held recently, it was resolved unanimously that the thanks of the Committee be presented to PC 146 A, Stephen George Smith, Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary for having, with others, courageously attempted to rescue a man from drowning in the Canning Half-Tide Dock, at Liverpool. on 4th February, 1968
11th December 1968
At a Meeting of the Committe of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society held at the Underwriters Room, Exchane Buildings, Liverpool on the 11th day of December 1968 it was Resolved Unanimously that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to P.C 180″D” Peter James Hart, Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary, for having, with the assistance of others, courageously attempted to rescue an elderley man from drowning in the River Mersey, at Georges Pier Head, Liverpool, on the 20th July, 1968.
11th December 1968
Police Constable 162″A” Walter Stanley Bruce, Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary.
I am directed by my Committee to convey their thanks and appreciation for your praiseworthy action on the 20th July 1968 when, together with others, you endeavoured to rescue an elderly man from drowning in the River Mersey, at Georges Pier Head, Liverpool, and your prompt action was most commendable.
16th April 1969
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society, held at the Underwriters’ Room, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool, on the 16th day of April 1969 it was Resolved Unanimously that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to PC 298 D. Brian Thomas Lavelle, Liverpool and Bootle Constabulary, for commendable conduct on the occasion of a fire in a Club in Upper Duke Street, at Liverpool, on the 14th October 1968