Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1900 –

January 26,1900
Silver general medal with clasp and vote of thanks to PC 319 A, Ephraim DYBAL, for stopping runaway horses, the 1st in Victoria St on Jan 1st, the 2nd in Old Haymarket on Jan 18th. On each occasion the PC showed great presence of mind and courage.
Silver fire medal and vote on thanks to PC 170 B, James GORRY, for gallantly rescuing two children from a house fire in Melville Place on Jan 1st.
Bronze general medal and vote of thanks to PC 121 B, Robert ROBERTSON for pluckily stopping a runaway horse attached to a spring cart in London Rd, on Jan 2nd.
Silver general medals and vote of thanks to PC 115 D, William MILLIGAN, and PC 130 D, Michael MANNING, for a very gallant attempt to stop a runaway horse attached to a spring cart in Scotland Rd on Jan 11th. Both men receiving severe injuries. PC MILLIGAN already holds the society’s bronze medal.
February 23,1900
Vote of thanks to PC 307 E, Charles EBO, stopped a runaway horse attached to a wagon in Walton Rd, on Jan 19th.
Vote of thanks to PC 160 C, James MORRISON, for rescuing a man from a house on fire in Lansdowne St on Jan 30th.
April 27,1900
Silver medal, vote of thanks and 20s, to PC 106 D, John Joseph McARDLE, for gallantly plunging into the Wellington Dock at midnight on March 30th to rescue a man who had fallen in, whom he succeeding in reaching, but it being very dark and there being no steps on this side of the dock, it was only after swimming for some time that he fortunately struck a mooring chain, to which he clung with his insensible burden until succour arrived.
Silver medal, vote of thanks and 20s, to PC 352 C, Alfred HIGNETT, for the gallant rescue of a woman who attempted suicide in the Salthouse Dock on March 25th. On hearing a splash the officer ran to the spot, and seeing the object floating, blew his whistle, and at once plunged into the water. The woman struggled violently, but, a lifebuoy being thrown, he grasped it and held up until a boat came, which landed both on the quay.
Silver medal, vote of thanks and 20s, to PC 112 G, Hugh GRIFFITHS, for a plucky attempt to stop a runaway horse attached to a dog cart in Warbreck-moor, Aintree on March 29th, when he was thrown down the wheels passing over both legs.
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to PC 139 A, John ROBINSON, stopping a runaway horse attached to a float in Copperas Hill on March 31st.
Vote of thanks to PC 145 G, John A. CAMERON, stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart in St Oswald St on March 19th.
Vote of thanks to PC 256 D, John CARTER, stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart in St Annes St, on April 12th.
15s to PC 445, James JOHNSTON [Seaforth] for jumping into the canal at Litherland and rescuing a child who had fallen in on April 14th.
June 29,1900
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to PC 78 B, Frederick TOMLINSON pluckily stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart in London Rd on May 28th.
Vote of thanks to PC 217 D, Robert WOODWARD, stopping a runaway horse attached to a lorry in Cazneau St on May 19th.
Vote of thanks to PC 334 A, Henry ELLIOTT, stopping a runaway horse attached to a wagon in St Anne St on June 1st.
Vote of thanks to PC 154 F, Walter SWINDELLS, stopping a runaway horse attached to a lorry in Park Rd, on May 31st.
Liverpool Mercury, Friday, July 27, 1900
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to PC 330 A, Thomas Edward KELLY, gallantly stopping a runaway horse attached to a waggon in Prince’s Pier Head, June 27th.
Vote of thanks to PC 140 A, Donald McLENNAN, stopping a runaway horse attached to a float in Lord St, July 16th.
August 17,1900
Silver medal and vote of thanks to PC 250 D, John NUTTER, for gallantly rescuing a would be suicide from the canal on July 22nd. It was only after a desperate struggle that the PC succeeded in the rescue.
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to PC 58, Frank HICKSON, Bootle, who on the 27th July rescued a man who had fallen into the Liverpool and Leeds canal.
Vote of thanks to PC 47 A, Frederick Ellis and 15s and vote of thanks to William NORRIS stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart in Lime St on July 26th.
Vote of thanks to PC 26 D, William LONGRIDGE, and 15s and vote of thanks to Oliver FERGUSON for stopping a runaway horse attached to a lorry in Walter St, July 25th
August 31, 1900
Silver medal and vote of thanks to PC 212 D, William MARL, for stopping a runaway horse attached to a funeral coach in Scotland Rd on Aug 8th.
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to Police Sgt 33 A, John James WEIR, for stopping a runaway horse attached to a van in Ranlagh St on Aug 10th.
September 28,1900
Silver medal and vote of thanks to PC 67 D, Thomas DELANEY, for stopping a runaway horse attached to a spring cart in Richmond Row on Aug 25th.
November 2,1900
Bronze medal and vote of thanks to PC 219 A, John Patrick KELLY, for stopping a runaway horse attached to a private cab in Lime St on Oct 15th.
Vote of thanks to Police Sgt 18 A, Edward JOHNSTONE, stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart at George’s Pierhead on Sept 29th.
Vote of thanks to PC 181 F, Joseph PARK, stopping a runaway horse attached to a bread van in Lark Lane on Sept 29th.
November 16,1900
Vote of thanks and 20s to PC 61, Smith BENSON [Bootle] stopping a runaway horse attached to a spring cart in Princes Rd on Oct 30th, also 15s to Henry CRAVEN for assisting.
Vote of thanks to PC 186 A, Joseph TRAVERSE, stopping a runaway horse attached to hansom in Lord St on Oct 31st.
December 21,1900
Illuminated vote of thanks to Supt CABLE for having when in charge of the salvage brigade at 8,50pm on the 9th inst during a fire in a house in Slade St, gallantly rescued a man who was in an upstairs room and in danger of suffocation.
Silver medal and vote of thanks to PC 137 A, Thomas BUTLER , stopping a runaway horse attached to a shandry in Castle St on Nov 28th.