Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1893 – 1894

March 24,1893
Silver medal and vote of thanks to Supt Henry ROBERTS of the Bootle Fire Brigade, and a silver medal and 20s each to Firemen, John COLE and Edwin A. RUTHERFORD for a gallant and clever rescue of a man and woman from a house fire in Derby Rd.
April 23,1893
Silver medal and vote of thanks and 20s to Police Sergeant Alexander W. WEIR, for having jumped into the Mersey from the Prince’s Landing-stage and rescued a little boy who had fallen into the river and was in great danger of being swept under the pontoons by the strong flood tide running.
June 6,1893
20s to PC 289, Edward WARBURTON, for having gone into the Collingwood Dock with a rope, and held up a man who was struggling in the water until a boat came to their assistance.
June 24,1893
At the Central Fire Station Hatton Garden yesterday presentations were made for gallantry exhibited by them in saving life, to Police Sergeant 24A, WEIR silver medal a vote of thanks and 20s for plunging into the river and rescuing a man who had fallen off the Prince’s Landing-stage and to PC 289D, WARBURTON, vote of thanks and 20s for saving the life of a man in the Collingwood Dock. Among those present Councillor H. H. HORNBY, chairman of the Watch Committee, Councillors J. R. GRANT and Eli BROOKES, Head Constable Capt Nott BOWER, Mr SPERRIN, chief clerk of the Head Constable’s office.
July 23,1893
25s to PC 76A, George H. ROBINSON, for having gone by a rope into the George’s Dock and rescued a man who had fallen from the pier and was much exhausted before he was rescued.
January 22,1894
20s to PC 313A, Thomas OLIVER, for having brought down three children from the upper storey of a house on fire in Lord St. They had to descend a narrow staircase, and, in doing so two of the children were slightly burned.
January 27,1894
Silver medal and certificate to Sgt John S. DIXON a member of the Fire Brigade, for his bravery in rescuing a comrade from the hold of the steamer Falarian which was on fire in No1 branch of the Huskisson Dock on the morning of the 2nd Dec last. Sgt DIXON went down into the hold at the peril of his life, and brought up a fireman who had become unconscious from the dense volume of smoke. Among those present a large number of the police force, Councillor WATTS, Francis HENDERSON of the LSHS, Mr SAMPSON, secretary, Chief Supt’s HASSAL and IRVINE, Supt’s WILLIS and BAGGES and several Inspectors, Head Constable Capt Nott BOWER. Mr HENDERSON also presented PC 315A Thomas OLIVER with his award as above.
March 15,1894
Silver medal and vote of thanks to Inspector of Police, Daniel DAVIES, for having with great promptitude rescued an elderly woman from the 3rd storey of a warehouse on fire in Henry St. The poor woman was standing at a window from which dense smoke was issuing, and realising her instant peril she was about to jump into the street when the inspector shouted to her to wait a moment while he went for a ladder, which, being close at hand was placed at the window and the inspector went up it and succeeded in bringing the woman down in his arms.
April 31,1894
15s and repairs to a watch to PC 310, Mark SCOTT, for having gone down by a rope into the Coburg Dock and having made another rope fast to a woman, who while under the influence of drink had fallen from the quay into the dock.
July 14,1894
Bronze medal and 10s to PC 137 A, William REESE, for having at considerable risk caught a runaway horse in Church St, thereby preventing it doing injury in a crowded thoroughfare.
August 18,1894
Bronze medal and 10s to PC 205 A, Daniel GAWNE, for having made a brave attempt to stop a runaway horse, dragging a heavy loaded cart at great speed in Norton St. The PC grasped the horse by the reins, but slipped and fell, the wheel of the cart passing over his thighs injuring him.
August 23, 1894
Bronze medal and 10s to PC 137 A, Andrew KELLY, for having stopped a runaway horse in Dale St. The horse was dashing along at a furious rate when the harness broke, and the PC, having seized it by the head, was dragged along with it for some distance and was nearly run over.
October 8,1894
Silver medal and 10s to PC 391 Richard RENCH, County Police, for having jumped into the lake at Sefton Park and rescued a man who was drowning. The man struggled with the PC who after great exertion succeeded in dragging him out of the water, when, he became unconscious and appeared to be dead. The PC then used means to restore animation, and in about quarter of an hour the man showed signs of life.
20s, repair of a watch and vote of thanks to PC 31 C, George ROBERTSON, for having gone down by a rope into the Canning Dock, to hold up a woman who had fallen overboard from a flat, until further assistance was rendered.
Silver [special] medal vote of thanks and 10s to PC 80 A, Michael COLLINS, for having with great promptitude and courage stooped a horse attached to a float, which having taken fright was running down Leece St at a furious gallop. The horse was a powerful animal and the PC ran great risk in stopping it.
Silver [special] medal vote of thanks and 10s to PC 21, John WYLIE, Bootle Police, for having at considerable risk and sustaining personal injury, stopped a horse which had run away with a van and was proceeding with great speed to Stanley Rd. The constable with great courage seized the reins, but missed his footing and was dragged for some distance until the horse and van were thrown over. He was off duty a week from his injuries, and his uniform was torn to pieces.
November 31,1894
20s and a vote of thanks each to PC 150 A, David JONES and Joseph GRIFFITHS, who at some risk stopped a horse which had run away with a cab down Pembroke Place, London Rd, and Lime St, but not before they had been dragged about 50yds by the terrified animal.
December 4, 1894
20s to PC 35, WOODS, [Bootle] for having promptly entered a house which was on fire from a gas explosion, and extinguished the flames on a woman whose clothes were on fire, and afterwards brought downstairs two children who were in danger. 7s-6d each to James D. McMURRAY and Daniel DOUGHERTY each of whom brought out a child through the dense smoke of the burning house.
10s to PC 55 E, Michael MULHALL, for having gone into the canal near Sandhills Lane and rescued a man who while in drink had attempted to drown himself.