Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1890 – 1892

July 29,1890
20s to PC Joseph T? for having gone down into the river by the means of a rope and rescued a boy who had fallen from the Pier Head while he was fishing.
September 1,1890
20s each to Fireman 653, WILLIAMSON and Fireman 226 CLEATOR, for the brave attempt to save the life of a girl in a house on fire in Kent St. They brought the girl out of the house in a state of insensibility from which she did not recover.
February 13,1891
Silver medal,framed certificate of thanks and 20s for repair of his watch, to PC337 Thomas WILLIAMS, who, while in plain clothes and off duty, gallantly jumped from the Prince’s Landing Stage into the Mersey and rescued a woman who had accidentally passed on the wrong side of the steamer’s gangway and walked into the river.
10s each to River PC60, George ROBERTSON, William J. STUART, John BAKER and Timothy REYNOLDS for having a different times gone down by rope into the docks to assist in saving life.
July 21,1891
Silver medal to PC1?9 Thomas Williams GROVER, for having dived into the Lodge Lane Bath and rescued a youth who had sank to the bottom and was apparently drowned, but by the use of artificial respiration, after getting the body out of the water GROVER had the great satisfaction of bringing the youth back to life.
November 2,1891
A vote of thanks to Superintendent YELLAND of the Salvage Corps, and 10s each to Firemen Henry STONEMAN and Frederick THOMPSON for having rescued a man and his wife whose clothes were on fire in a house in Slade St.
December 6,1891
Silver Fire medal, with thanks and 20s, to PC60 F, Thomas ELLIOTT and similar awards each to salvage men Edward REESE and Joseph DEAN for the rescue of three women from a house fire in Bispham St. These brave men ran considerable risk from the density of the smoke, and made several attempts before they succeeded in bringing the poor women [who were in an unconscious state] to a place of safety. PC60 took part in the rescue of the three women, and the salvage men in the rescue of two women. Similar awards were made to PC119 F, Frederick E. HARRISON, and PC132 F John S. COOPER for assisting to rescue the third woman.
20s to PC 132 B, Joseph COLQUHOUN, for having extinguished the flame on a woman’s dress a little after midnight on the 29th ult, and afterwards having gone into her house in Clifton St , which was on fire and rescued her husband who was nearly suffocated by the smoke.
20s to PC 199 C, Albert REED, for having gone down into the Salthouse Dock by the means of a rope on the night of the 19th inst and having made a rope fast to a man who had accidentally fallen into the dock.
January 17,1892
A silver medal vote of thanks and 20s each to PC 124 D, David LAWSON and PC 206 D, Charles SHEPHERDSON for having rescued three women and a man from a room which was on fire in Burlington St., all of whom were severely burned and were rescued at considerable personal risk, as the place was full of smoke at the time. 10s was also voted to John ROWLANDS who assisted the constables and rescued an infant only three days old from the fire.
January 19, 1892
A silver medal and vote of thanks, and 20s to PC 200 A, Samuel MOFFAT, for having rescued an elderly woman from being burned to death at a shop in Whitechapel. The constable burst into the door of the shop and went in but was driven back by the fire and smoke. He then applied a handkerchief to his mouth, and at personal risk rushed a second time into the shop, succeeding in rescuing the occupier, who was the only person on the premises.
A vote of thanks to Harry ROLT, chief officer of the Salvage Association for his services at the fire in Bispham St on the 6th ult, when three women were rescued by the combined efforts of the Police and Salvage Corps.
February 2, 1892
At a meeting of the Watch Committee, Head Constable reported that the LSHS presentation to the following will be made on Friday next.
Silver medal and framed certificate of thanks, and 20s, to PC 60 F, Thomas ELLIOTT, for rescuing three women from a burning house in Bispham St on the 6th Dec last.
Framed certificate of thanks and 20s to PC 199 C, Albert REED, for rescuing a man from drowning in the Salthouse Dock on the 19th Dec last.
Framed certificate of thanks and 20s to PC 132 B, Joseph COLQUHOUN, for having on the 29th Nov last extinguished the flames on a woman’s dress and rescued her husband from suffocation in the burning house, 33 Clifton St.
February 17,1892
Silver medals and testimonials presented yesterday by Admiral GOUGH on behalf of the LSHS, to PC 124 D, David LAWSON and PC 206 D, Charles W. SHEPPERDSON, for rescuing three women and a man from a house in Burlington St in which fire broke out on the, and in which service they behaved with great bravery at imminent risk to their lives. PC LAWSON was also presented with a bronze medal from the Quiver Office. Amongst the present H. H. HORNBY chairman of the Watch Committee, members of the committee and officials with the police force.
February 28,1892
Silver fire medal with vote of thanks to PC 125 B, Charles A. CHURCHILL, for having rescued a woman from the roof of a house which was on fire in Elizabeth S. The officer from a back street perceived that the house was on fire, and that the woman who, was partly dressed, had got onto the roof from a garret window. He promptly threw off his coat and climbed up a waterspout on to the roof, whence he lowered the woman on to the roof of a lower building and then procured a ladder, by which he descended. Considerable damage was done before the fire was extinguished.
Awards were made to PC 104 F, Andrew WILLIAMSON and PC 267 D, Walter HODSON, each having previously received the society’s silver medal for saving life from fire. The fire broke out in a house in Great Howard St, which burned with great fierceness. Knowing two children were in the house the officers placed ladders against window, but the room being all ablaze they were unable to enter until the fire was partly subdued. The two officers then at great personal risk entered the room and found the two children and brought them down to the street, when, the doctor in charge of the horse-ambulance pronounced life extinct. The fire was not extinguished till the house was gutted. The committee awarded to each of the police constables a silver clasp for his medal, with a vote of thanks and 20s. and informed them [as well as PC125 B] that their awards would be forwarded to the watch committee.
Silver medal vote of thanks and 20s to PC 213 R, Henry DONOHUE, for having rescued a woman and three children from a house on fire near Dalton St. The staircase was on fire when the constable went up to save the woman and children.