Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Rewards
1880 – 1888

January 14,1880
Silver medal to PC 254?, Robert REYNOLDS, for having saved an old woman from being burnt to death at the fire in Clayton St on, and assisting to rescue other members of her family. [Reynolds was rewarded for a similarly deserving rescue from fire more than 10yrs ago.]
June 6, 1880
A silver clasp and £4 to River PC10, William PEGLER for having gallantly jumped into the river and rescued a boy who had fallen from the lower deck of the Prince’s Stage,during an ebb tide and rough sea. Thomas SLATER, a printer, had previously attempted a rescue by reaching towards the boy and overbalanced and fell into the river, saving himself by laying hold of a mooring rope attached to one of the river gigs. PEGLER swam out and reached SLATER’S collar pulling him in to the Landing-stage, This is the 8th rescue for which PEGLER has been awarded by the committee besides awards and other rescues before he entered the force.
May 20, 1882
Silver medal to PC 998, Thomas E. JONES, for bravely rescuing a man from being burned to death in a house fire on Smith St.
September 28,1882
20s to David WILLIAMS, fireman, for having jumped into the Brunswick Dock and rescued a boy who had fallen into the dock whilst attempting to get away from the police.
January 1, 1883
20s to PC118, James FENNELL, Birkenhead, for going into a 50ft lock with a life buoy and held up a man who had jumped overboard intending to commit suicide.
February 19, 1885
10s to PC 1109 William STRUTT for having gone down a rope into the Salthouse Dock and rescued a man who had slipped from a ladder and fallen into the dock.
February 21, 1885
10s each to PC108 CATON and PC118 FENNELL for having gone down the side of a ship in the East Float and with great difficulty rescued two drunken men who had fell into the dock soon after midnight.
May 25, 1885
Silver medal and vote of thanks to William Joseph LITHGOE, No 6 of the Salvage Brigade for having dived into a deep part of the canal and rescued a lad who had fallen in and sunk to the bottom.
September 25, 1885
Silver medal and repair of watch to PC 104, Richard FAIRHURST, for having jumped in the Morpeth Branch Dock and rescued a boy who had fallen from the quay.
January 15,1886
Silver medal and vote of thanks and £2 to PC321 Edward Lloyd ROBERTS for having with great gallantry and considerable risk rescued a woman from a house on fire in Portland St. Roberts received some injury from the fire and the woman was seriously burned.
December 2, 1886
To Police Constables for distinguished services at the fire on the premises of Messers KING and BRUNT in Scotland Rd,when 38 persons were rescued and a member of the firm was fatally injured, the following awards were made – viz:- PC1097, Walter HODGSON a silver fire medal, vote of thanks and 20s, PC640, Edward LAMBE, a silver medal vote of thanks and 10s. 10s each to PC579 Andrew BLACKBURN, PC34 William YATES, PC465 John HOLLEY, PC768 John Alexander MUNROE, and PC1025 Thomas CAPSTICK. Supt William McWILLIAM a vote of thanks, Police-sergeant Alexander EDMONSON a vote of thanks.
September 30,1887
10s each paid to John McMANUS, Charles DONOHUE and PC531 William J. CAINE for having at different times gone into the water to prevent persons from being drowned.
November 4, 1887
25s to PC65 Walter DAVIES of the Cheshire constabulary, for having gone into the water at New Brighton Pier and having rescued a drunken man who was found clinging to one of the pillars of the stage in nearly his own height of water with a raising tide, and was only removed from his perilous position with considerable risk and difficulty.
September 15,1888
Silver medals and addresses presented in recognition of their brave conduct in rescuing people from burning buildings to PC 587 Allan KENNEDY, PC908 Robert FEGAN. Presented at the Fire Station, Hatton Gardens, by Alderman John HUGHES, chairman of the Watch Committee. Those present included Sir James PICTON, Alderman SHALLCROSS, Messers P. H. RATHBONE, J. B. MORGAN, J. MORRIS, Captain Nott-Bower [Chief Constable], and Mr H. ALBUTT [deputy chief constable]