Details of Police Officers murdered during the course of duty in Liverpool …
PC 317 William Horner Ross (Liverpool City Police)
Died 7 June 1838, aged 35
Fatally injured when attacked while dispersing a crowd at a prize-fight. The circumstances of this murder and its outcome was published in the Liverpool Journal – June 9th 1838. See: Murder of William Horner Ross
PC David Bailey (Liverpool City Police)
Died 15 April 1839, aged 28
Fatally stabbed in the neck attempting to arrest a man armed with a knife. The circumstances of this murder and its outcome was published in the Liverpool Mail – April 20th 1839. See Murder of David Bailey
PC 78 Richard Fairclough (Liverpool City Police)
Died 16 December 1844
Fatally bludgeoned when dealing with a domestic disturbance. The circumstances of this murder and its outcome was published in the Liverpool Mercury – December 20th 1844. See: Murder of Richard Fairclough
PC 732 Richard Sunderland (Liverpool City Police)
Died 1 November 1853
Stabbed to death while arresting a man during election disturbances. The circumstances of this murder and its outcome was published in the Liverpool Mercury – November 4th 1853. See: Murder of Richard Sunderland
PC John Matthews (Birkenhead Borough Police)
Died 4 September 1854
Fatally shot by a man he was trying to calm in his house at Oxton. The circumstances of this murder and its outcome was published in the Liverpool Mercury – September 5th 1854. See Murder of John Mathews
PC William Vaughan (Birkenhead Borough Police)
Died 23 December 1856
Fatally stabbed arresting a man for causing a disturbance in the street. The circumstances of this murder was reported in the Liverpool Mersury – December 27th 1856. See Murder of William Vaughan
PC James Gordon (St. Helens Borough Police)
Died 13 November 1893, aged 26
Fatally bludgeoned and beaten attempting to arrest three thieves. The circumstances of this murder was reported in the Liverpool Mercury on November 14th 1893. See: Murder of James Gordon
PC 5951 Raymond Davenport (Merseyside Police)
Died 4 July 1981, aged 35
Fatally injured attempting to retrieve the keys from a stolen vehicle which had come to a halt in Roe Street in Liverpool city centre when the offender drove off, dragging him along.
Posthumously awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Brave Conduct